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Student Application for Soaring Minds Education(SME)

Registration is easy as 1-2-3:
Make payment with credit card OR obtain an Enrollment Certificate/Voucher from your Charter School
Fill out this application, leave no blank, including the upload of your payment receipt OR Charter School Voucher and enter no symbols in the phone number
Submit one application per student

4. Attend after receiving a confirmation email from us (your online payment receipt is NOT the same as enrollment confirmation)

Student Eligibility

School Year 9/9/2024-5/23/25

TK/K class day is for students turning ages 4 or 5 before first day of class

Primary class day is for students of ages 6-12 
Teen class is for students ages 13-17

* Student's First Name 

* Student's Last Name

* Student's Date of Birth (including correct year) 

School Affiliation (Charter or PSA)

We file Private School Affidavit and will pay out-of-pocket

Select an option

Class Day Selections

Class Day Location #1(select ONLY if taking 1 Class Day per Week)

Class Day Location #2 (select ONLY if taking 2 class days per week)

Student Information

* Student's Allergies 

* Student's Sensitivities(ie, noises, food dislikes) 

Student's Special Interests

* Mother's First Name

* Mother's Last Name

* Mother's Phone (no parenthesis)

* Mother's Email Address

* Father's First Name

* Father's Last Name

* Father's Phone (no parenthesis)

* Father's Email Address

* Who else is authorized to pick up student, other than mother and father, if parents can't be reached? 

* Cell Number (no parenthesis)

Student's Doctor's Name

Student's Doctor's Phone Number (no parenthesis)

Proof of Funding is Required

We can accept any one of the items below:
1. an "approved" voucher or enrichment certificate
2. a credit card payment made in our

* Payment is for Attendance Beginning on: 

* Payment is for Attendance Ending on: 

* Payment is for:

Policies and Procedures

At Soaring Minds, we strive to enhance your children’s education by providing them with learning opportunities that are exciting, relevant, and unique. Below are some policies and procedures to note about our program.


• Students should be dropped off at the designated spot every morning no earlier than 5 minutes before class time. If we leave the drop-off area before you arrive, please refer to the monthly schedule email regarding where we will be that day. If you still don’t know where to find us, please call the designated site supervisor for that location.
• Please make sure your child has a lunch, bottle of water, band-aids, notebook and bag of colored pencils with them EACH week. 
• If your child is sick, please do not bring them to class. If you're being contacted by our supervisor regarding your child's illness, please make arrangement to have your child picked up within an hour. During this hour, your child will be separated from the group and not permitted to participate. It is in your child's best interest that he/she be picked up as soon as possible.
• Late pickups will accrue a $3 fee per minute payable before the next class day. Three late (habitual) pickups will result in expulsion from the program. Families with unpaid late fees will not be permitted to return to class until the balance is paid in full.
• Refunds will only be provided if SME receives a 2-week notice of your plans to withdraw or miss any class days. 
• Students should display their very best manners when in class. This means using their most quiet, indoor voices and keeping their hands to themselves when appropriate. From 9am-2pm, cell phone use is restricted to emergencies ONLY. Please inform your student about this policy, as it will be strictly enforced. Students who repeatedly violate this policy will be asked to leave it at home or find alternative drop-off programming.  
• While we appreciate parents visiting our class days on the first day of drop-off, we cannot allow younger siblings to disrupt the learning environment, therefore younger siblings not enrolled in the program are not allowed in class. SME is a drop-off program for ages 4-17. 
• Eating and drinking is only allowed when we are outdoors (not in museums).

• Dress Code: No showing undergarments (bra straps & underwear). No midriffs or cleavage exposed and no see-through clothing/no tube tops. No offensive (i.e., alcohol/tobacco slogans), suggestive/provocative, or inappropriate words or imagery on clothing. Leggings cannot be worn as pants unless covered by shorts or with a long shirt that covers past the hips. No short shorts (knuckles must reach the bottom of shorts) or skin-tight athletic shorts.
Line procedures:
• Before lining up, students should leave their work area completely clean. In order to increase speaking skills and confidence, we encourage our students to walk up to the instructors and thank them for their time with eye contact. Many of our class days are in public places with lots of activity going on, so students are reminded to pay attention as they walk from one activity to the next.

• Parents, please note that upon enrollment with us for the first time, your child is on a two-week trial to ensure SME is a good fit for all parties involved. 

Thank you for being part of Soaring Minds Education! We love serving our families in an effort to enhance their children’s education. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Publicity Release Agreement

Soaring Minds Education requests your permission to reproduce through printed, audio, visual, or electronic means activities in which your child has participated in his/her education program. Your authorization will enable us to use prepared materials to increase public awareness and promote continuation and improvement of education programs through the use of mass media, displays, brochures, websites, etc.

I fully authorize and grant Soaring Minds Education and its authorized representatives, the right to print, photograph, record, and edit as desired, the biographical information, name, image, likeness, and/or voice of my child on audio, video, film, slide, or any other electronic and printed formats, currently developed, for the purposes stated or related to the above.
I understand and agree that use of such recordings will be without any compensation to me and my child.

I understand and agree that Soaring Minds Education and/or its authorized representatives shall have the exclusive right, title, and interest, including copyright, in the recordings.

I understand and agree that Soaring Minds Education and/or its authorized representatives shall have the unlimited right to use the recordings for any purposes stated or related to the above.

I hereby release and hold harmless Soaring Minds Education and its authorized representatives from any and all actions, claims, damages, costs, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, brought by me and my child which relate to or arise out of any use of these recordings as specified above.

Liability Waiver Agreement

I understand that participation in the Soaring Minds Education program may include actions or tasks which may be hazardous to my child. By signing below, I assume the risk of harm or injury which might occur to my child due to their participation in an event or class happening with Soaring Minds Education or nearby venue. I release Soaring Minds Education (and said venue) from all liability, costs, and damages which might arise from participation in the event or class run by Soaring Minds Education staff and instructors.

I agree that the minor has my consent to participate in the event or class. I further provide my consent for Soaring Minds staff to seek emergency treatment for the minor if necessary. I agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to the emergency treatment.

I give my permission for my child to be photographed and/or videotaped while attending classes with Soaring Minds Education. I authorize Soaring Minds Education to use these photos or videos for publicity and educational purposes.

SME Expectations

1. Expectations of Students:



A. Listen to instruction & follow rules. We will be walking from one class to another and participating in workshops run by various educators. It's extremely important that students pay attention to what's going on and follow directions throughout the day.


B. All students should be respectful and on task during class times. While we welcome our students collaborating and enjoying their project together, distracting and disrupting behaviors will be discouraged.


C. First warning: verbal reminder. 2nd warning: short time away from class activities. 3rd warning: parent to step in and chaperone in the class, or site supervisor will remove student from class for the remaining time. It is not acceptable for any student to negatively interfere with the learning of the other students.

We reserve the right to remove any student who refuses to comply with reasonable behavior standards. Please note: all students will be on 2-week probationary period to ensure SME is a good fit.

2. Expectations of Parents:


A. Be courteous to all educators, site supervisor and students. Alert the site supervisor and/or educator of any concerns with any student in class.


B. Parents are reminded that our program is completely drop-off. Parents may volunteer at SME, provided they have submitted a Live Scan form, background check, and references. Be mindful of not diverting the attention of students by carrying on conversations with other adults or talking over the voice of educators. We cannot guarantee the location of any open volunteer opportunities. A late fee of $3/minute will be assessed for any late pick-ups.


C. If your child will be tardy or absent, please inform us as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly (the minimum numbers are confirmed with the instructors ahead of time, so any changes need to be taken into consideration). Under no circumstance should you feel obligated to attend every single class if you are not able to. If you are late, you must make contact with the site supervisor, walk your child to class and sign in for the day.

For class day, all students should bring with them a *light* backpack including 4 items:


1. notebook with college ruled paper (wide for younger children)

2. pencil bag with pencils, colored pencils and erasers

3. lunch and plenty of snacks (they will be on the go!)

4. a bottle of water (we can refill if necessary)

If Paying With Private Funds

* Upload a Screenshot of Your Credit Card Payment

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Registration Payment

* Upload a Screenshot of Your Registration Payment

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